

MegaDo, LLC hosts behind-the-scenes events and private charters for aviation enthusiasts.

Star Alliance MegaDos

Aircraft chartered

oneworld MegaDos

US Dollars raised for charity


Miles up in the air on charter aircraft

Previous MegaDo events have included highlights such as:

  • The FIRST group ever to go inside the Boeing 787.
  • The FIRST group to charter the first North American Boeing 787.
  • Mingling with airline CEOs and hotel executives, including Jeff Smisek (former CEO, United Airlines), Doug Parker (CEO, American Airlines), Wolfgang Mayrhuber (CEO, Lufthansa), Hoyt Harper (Senior Vice President, Starwood Hotels), Jaan Albrecht (former CEO, Star Alliance), Mark Schwab (CEO, Star Alliance), Dimitrios Gerogiannis (CEO, Aegean.)
  • A visit of the Airbus A380 assembly line in Toulouse, France, the Boeing 737 line in Renton, WA, and the Boeing 787, 777 and 747-8 line in Everett, WA.
  • Insiders’ tours at Frankfurt, Munich, Brussels, and Vienna airports and activities such as baggage loading on live aircraft.

Press releases


  • Sep 27, 2017 – MegaDo raises 25,000 USD for UNICEF, auction winners help load goods on Norwegian’s first Boeing 787 relief flight to Djibouti – MegaDo bringt Hilfsgüter nach Djibouti (German)
  • Jul 03, 2017 – MegaDo raises 24,000 USD for UNICEF Norway in partnership in Norwegian, auction winners fly on Boeing 737 MAX delivery flight from Seattle – Fliegen für einen guten Zweck (German)

Press inquiries: press@megado.com

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